Park Board Committee Assignments

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Lan-Oak Park Board Committee Assignments
3Lan-Oak Park District Park Board Committees
Fiscal Year 2022-2022
Commissioners Lewis, Gales
Staff Liaison: Desjardins
Buildings & Grounds:
Commissioners Gales, Kelly
Staff Liaison: Havran
Commissioners Kelly, Aguilar
Staff Liaison: Desjardins/Havran
Finance & Personnel:
Commissioners Aguilar, Lewis
Staff Liaison: Desjardins
Special Projects:
Commissioners Kelly, Lewis
Staff Liaison: Desjardins/Havran
Bike Path Committee:
Commissioners Gales, Aguilar
Staff Liaison: Havran
First person listed is designated as the Chairperson for that Committee
Board Members who are interested in attending any announced committee meetings may feel free to attend any committee meeting of their choice. Committee meetings will be announced by the Committee Chairperson and a public notice will be posted at the Administration Office, Eisenhower Fitness & Community Center and the Park District’s web page ( within the rules and regulations of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.